Monday, September 20, 2010

Back in school again... but with a twist!

by Elle Vatterott, IWM serving in San Antonio, Texas

From my first day of kindergarten until my final exam in high school, my education was in the hands of religious women. And now, after a five-year hiatus away from those wonderful ladies, I’m back and ready for more! This time is a bit different in that as a “Missionary of the Incarnate Word;” I now work and live in community with three Sisters from the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word.
It has been a real challenge to think of myself as a part of the Sisters’ community because until recently, I have only seen them as teachers and my superiors.
Throughout my upbringing I have come to value their courage, unique spirit and wisdom.  The Sisters do some pretty remarkable things: build hospitals, open & administer academic institutions, provide food & shelter for the poor (and probably move a few mountains around!) all in the name of God.  For all of these reasons and more, I am thrilled for this opportunity to join in their community and assist in one of their ministries for a year.
The Visitation House is a two-year transitional housing program for homeless single mothers and their children located in San Antonio, Texas.  The ministry provides a stable and safe environment for the young families so the mothers can focus on attaining their educational and personal goals. For the most part, my position consists of overseeing the children’s after-school tutoring program.
As a result of numerous temporary home situations, English being a second language, and frequently transferring to different schools, most of the children are not performing at their grade levels.  Hopefully, with a consistent study regimen, some interactive educational activities, and a whole lot of patience, I can help these kids reach their academic potential.
Currently, I am tutoring a family of four children. Although the kids are terrified of chapter books, division flash cards, and Scrabble Jr., they are bright and extremely insightful.  
In their short little lives, they have experienced more abuse and hate than any adult should endure, yet they are some of the happiest children I know.  They love helping the Sisters with household chores, playing freeze tag and earning money for the ice cream man. Through their mother’s various successes while at the Visitation House, the children have learned the importance of perseverance, accountability and resilience.
This ministry not only helps break the cycle of poverty, it also provides a welcoming home environment for families to regain their self-worth, and grow in their love and respect for one another. It is heart-warming to witness these wonderful changes that would never have happened if the Sisters were not here with their extended hands.
I have a lot to learn from my new friends.  It kind of feels like I’m back in school again….. but with a twist - I’m both learning and teaching.  So far, so great, especially since there are no tests.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Ms. Vatterott,
    It is great work that you are doing to be a part of the Sisters’ community. The Sisters’ of Charity’s goals include that of helping others among the rest, which is exactly what you have been doing on a daily basis. Thank you for your generosity in overseeing the children’s after school tutoring program and making a positive impact in their lives. As mentioned in the “Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word” booklet, “the Spirit of the Lord has been given to us, for the Spirit has anointed us. The Spirit has sent us to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favor.” (Luke 4:18) You have taken the spirit of the Lord and helped children learn an education who have gone through terrible things in their past due to abuse/violence. Violence can damage a person’s life forever and mentioned in the "Engage: Explore Nonviolent Learning" book, “everyday, throughout the world people face the daunting challenge and consequences of violence and injustice.” Everything that you have done to make a positive difference in these children’s lives will change them forever. Mrs. Vatterott, I encourage you to continue the great work and know that you are recognized as a role model for others.
    -Chelsea Glasgow

  3. Dear Elle Vatterott,
    When I read your Blog I was amazed with the work you are doing. Being involved with the Sisters, helping children learn at an after school tutoring program, and helping out a family of four children is truly a blessing from God. I would like to thank you for answering your calling from God and helping others less fortunate than us. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the children in the after school tutoring program. You are truly touching many lives and making the world a better place each and every day. I found this quote from Bishop Claude Dubuis, which I believe relates to the work your doing. “Our Lord Jesus Christ suffering in the persons of a multitude of sick and infirm of every kind seeks relief at your hands.” Elle, you’re doing a wonderful duty in our world by helping children who now see the world in a better light and have a promising future. This is because of your dedication. Don’t forget that God is watching out for you and that you’re not alone. I am praying for you and your work.
    God bless,
    Jenny Breton

  4. Elle,
    It sounds like you truly are doing amazing things!!! That is totally awesome! :) Having a heart for children myself, makes me respect & appreciate what you are doing so much more!! I have always loved kids, and wanted to help. I admire the fact that you are out there giving your all to better the lives of those around you. If you have touched one life, you have done something amazing. It sounds to me like you have touched many lives! :) Keep up the good work, never get discouraged by any one or anything, those kids & mothers need all the love and support they can get while in the transistion they are in. As found in the "Sisters of the Incarnate word book," "How powerful it is to know that The Word who gives our life meaning is co-eternal with God and holds us in a timeless embrace! This Word has been with us in each of our beginnings." John 1:1 You are doing wonderful things in the lives of those close and distant. It is such a blessing to know that there are people like you out there that give this world a different twist on life you give hope and light in tunnels that seemed to at one point be filled with eternal darkness, and for that I admire you greatly! Every time you see the family you are helping, everytime you hug one of those kids; you are giving their life meaning, and finding meaning in your own! :) The Lord be with you!
    ~Krystal Cornelius

  5. Hello Elle! My name is Ryan Evans. I’m a pre-pharmacy student at UIW. My prayer and spirituality course follows the Incarnate Word missionaries as they seek help those in need throughout the world. I would like to commend you on the work that you are doing here in San Antonio. One does not need to travel to a foreign country to encounter those in need. I have lived in the San Antonio area most of my life and this community is dear to me. Your is willingness to donate not just your time, but you life, reminds me why this city is special. The four children you are working with have a great opportunity and I only hope all turns out well for them. Keep us updated as you continue your work!

  6. Elle,

    I want to thank you for the work you are doing right here in San Antonio. I know that upon completing your year, you will find you have grown in more ways than you ever imagined. I hope that you are enjoying your work, and continue to grow in your relationship with God, and with the sisters with whom you are living. Thank you for giving those children something to look forward to everyday. I am sure that seeing you there, knowing that you are not only willing, but that you want to help them learn those flash cards, and conquer those chapter books, brings immeasurable joy to their little hearts (and their mothers' as well). Working with children coping with violent experiences is very challenging, I am sure. I hope that your work with these children will help them over come any difficulties with trusting others, as they may have learned to close themselves off from others of whom they know little. With your positive attitude, and willingness to help them grow, they can come out of their small shell, their comfort zone, and learn more about the world around them. While it is not always easy to transition from one's comfort zone to his discomfort zone, it can be a positive learning experience. I admire your working in the US, because as much as people in other countries need help, so do people in our own country. While the average annual salary in the US may be around $46,326, we know that it is not even close to evenly distributed. While there is nothing wrong with being wealthy, there is something wrong with letting so many live in such poor conditions as the ones in which I am guessing many of those you are working with have lived. On your difficult days, always remember that as a Christian your mission in life is to do your very best to know, love, and serve God, and everyday that you serve those children, you serve God. Enjoy the rest of your year!

    -Sheila Cronin

  7. Elle -

    My name is Breanna and I am a freshman here at Incarnate Word. Aside from our daily work of discussions, readings, and lectures, our Prayer & Spirituality class follows you (and your family of UIW Missionaries) as you seek to understand, help, and to better the world in which we live. I just want to let you know how much respect I have for you as a person; the work that you are doing is amazing. I too, have a passion of working with kids, whatever kind of work it may be, and I hope that one day I will be able to do so with as much joy, drive, and passion as you. Reading over some verses from the Bible, I came across one that really struck me: "He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!"(Psalms 113:9). Reading this really struck me as something amazing, because you are doing exactly this. You are letting the mothers and their children into your heart, helping them and giving them all that you have to offer. We read in our textbook about the ideas of Ghandi and other people who have made an impact in our world. Although what you are doing is focused here in San Antonio, know that what you are doing now is affecting the lives of so many people, and will someday affect the world in which we live. I too have traveled to foreign countries such as Honduras; not to preach, but to spend time with the children, to encourage them, to play with them, and so on. It was not untill I started working with children that I found what I am truly passionate about. It hurts me to know that children are being abused left and right, and that there is so much violence going on in their lives, but it takes a person like you to break the cycle and change their lives for the better.
    You are an amazing person, keep up the wonderful work!

    God bless you.


  8. Elle,

    hi, my name is stephanie and i am in Sister martha ann's 3:00 prayer and spirituality class. I enjoyed reading your blog about your experience at the Visitation house. It is very sad to hear that the women and children have endured such painful things. How do you deal with the sad things that you see and encounter at the Vistitaion house? It would be difficult for me. I really like your positivity and feel that you will be an inspiration to the children and women that you are helping. I think that the sisters are doing a great job and they have really thought of some remarkable ways to help people from what was written in the brown booklet on the Incarnate Word Family. After reading the booklet it made me think of how a lot of people are aware of foreign countries and the injustice and poverty there but forget that there are the exact same problems here in the United States. You are doing a terrific job and I am interested in reading future blogs.

