This year when the rains came there was a great deal of damage and destruction that was caused in the wake of the waters. However, God's help was very much evident in the way the Catholic schools and the Church came to the aid of the people. Giving time, money and resources to help those who were affected more severely was truly wonderful. The sense of community that emerged was a wonder to behold; thanks to the community efforts and people working to help one another, many have started to rebuild and life continues.
This year we had an assembly - a gathering - in which all of the families of our youth who are members of the Kano'j project came from far and wide. So many traveled great distances - in some cases six and eight hours to get here - to be with us for this important day. Many brought gifts of food which left me full of awe; they have very little but always bring gifts, with such great energy and enthusiasm (one would barely note what a sacrifice it is to bring food and gifts when they have so little). Being a witness to such beauty really makes me wonder if I am as generous...
Our families and youth come from very poor areas, but they collaborate as much as possible with the project, giving of themselves and what little they have. They truly are wonderful, very caring and kind people. One of the most amazing things is to see seven of our youth who recently graduated this year, and how their parents were so incredibly proud of them: pure beauty.
Hello Nicole, I was moved by the outstanding actions when people unite and help those who were involve in devastating situation. Your words are very enthusiastic of the experience you witness. Honestly, thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and the commitment you have in this heartfelt project. This situation reminds me much of a saint that I studied recently, St. Claire of Assisi. She chose to live the life of poverty and helped those in need. As you experience the ability to help God's children by offering gifts and food just like Mary from the Gospel who offered hospitality to Jesus Christ. I recognize this adventure of yours as these two women did. They served Christ with unconditional love. You serve God by helping his children in this world. It's very beautiful and unexpected to hear a type of story that brings mankind together to work for a great cause.