Friday, February 3, 2012

News from Tanzania

Last Saturday, January 28, 2012  Frank and Karen renewed their wedding vows at the 7 a.m. Mass in the chapel at Makoko Language School near Musoma, Tanzania.  They were married in Springfield, Il on January 28, 1967, forty-five years earlier.  Father Edward, a missionary priest from Poland is the director of the language school and he says Mass every morning at the school at 7 a.m. There are six nuns and one priest, also studying Swahili.  They are from the Phillipines, Poland, Tanzania, South America, Chad and Nigeria. There are thirteen lay missionaries from the U.S.  Everyone will serve in Tanzania, except for one student who will be working in Kenya.  So far, we have  completed four weeks of sixteen of our studies. 
Hope all is well with you. 
Blessings, MGBWY
Frank & Karen Wimbush, Incarnate Word Missionaries


  1. I felt very moved by this story because we still can feel how true love and marriage still exist. With God's presence through it all everything will be alright. God bless you!

  2. Frank and Karen I want to congratulate you for renewing your vows. I believe that God was in your presence while you were renewing you vows. May God bless you and you husband.

  3. Congratulations! With so many marriages ending in divorce these days it is a true blessing to hear about you all renewing your vows. God Bless and Good Luck!!!
