Monday, February 13, 2012


C.S. Lewis writes, “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

This past month, I’ve noticed the progress of those around me.  Some include steps forward and others are steps backwards.  Regardless of the direction, we all seek to improve our lives, yet we don’t always know what path is the “right road”.

One mother and child recently left the program due to a mental health issue.  While some choices may have been in the direction of the wrong road, I hope that an about-turn can be made and the right road taken.     

On the other hand, progress has been made toward to right road as seen in the Garcia family.  After being here three years, the Garcia’s finally have a public housing apartment to call home.  They will move out within a few weeks which means they currently have mixed emotions.  They are sad to leave the place that gave them refuge after a year on the streets.  Yet they are apprehensive to the changes they will face; a new school, new friends, new classmates.  The word “new” in itself can be daunting as well as exciting.  Thus, they are also optimistic about their unknown futures.  The move will no doubt be a challenge but I am confident that it will make the entire Garcia family stronger. 

When the Garcia’s (mom and four children) arrived at Visitation House they were full of fear. Having moved from six different schools in a year, the Garcia’s were unsure about how long their stay at Visitation House would last.  Three years later, the family is unrecognizable.  They have grown immensely.  Upon arrival, the children could barely read and write in English (their mom is a native of Mexico).  While school still has its difficulties, they now prefer to speak English and are succeeding in school.  They came in timid and will leave confident.  What strikes me the most about the Garcia’s is their determination.  While working on their homework, they don’t quit until they get it right.  It is this determination that will help them succeed in life.  They will make mistakes and stray from the “right road” but I trust that they will support each other, make about-turns when needed and get back to exactly where they need to be.

As I look at the Garcia’s progress, I must likewise question my own growth.  With lent approaching, it is good for me to see the ways in which I have progressed forward as well as the steps I’ve taken that push me further away from my goals. However, I believe that if I continue to follow the flames of my heart, where I am most happy and most at peace, I’ll eventually get to where I am meant to be. 
Angelique "Jelly" Snyder, Incarnate Word Missionary


  1. I can honestly say that I find myself heading in the wrong direction at times in my life. But I am lucky enough to have an amazing family, a few trustworthy friends who have guided me upon the right direction. The story of the Garcia's family has impacted me. It makes my scenario and my reason for misguidance incomparable. Sometimes we don't see what we are aiming for in life because our minds can be filled up with worldly things, when some people are just aiming for the simple things, such as survival, and the most meaningful thing, love.

    UIW Student
    Cristal Gonzalez

  2. Because we are humans, we are bound to make mistakes and stray away from the "right path". But to get back to where we need to be, we need to stay strong and focused. It is hard for us to do that sometimes because we live in such a materialistic world that we sometimes get carried away and we lose sight of our goal. As long as we are determined and try our best, nothing is impossible.

  3. Sometimes following the right path can be difficult because of peer pressure and other reasons. This story is extremely inspirational because it goes to show that as long as you have determination and have the longing to become a better person you can change your life for the better. I have parents that have done so much for me and have given me all they can. Therefore my goal is to be a better person for them, to go through the right path for them.

  4. When viewing my life I can't help but hope that everyday I am making the right choices. However I have come to realize that any progress, negative or positive, is still progress. The definition of progress is "forward or onward movement towards a destination." Yet there is only one individual who honestly knows where and what that destination is. The only thing left to do is have faith and include God in all choices and decisions you face.

  5. This was a very touching post because I feel like everyone can relate. Everyone myself included has had to chose the "right" or the "Wrong" path. Taking the wrong path guides you and helps you grow to find the right one to take. It gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see the right path ahead. The Gracia Family should be proud of their accomplishments to go on to grow as a family and follow the right path.

  6. Wow, to hear about the progress of the Garcia family really puts my worldly worries into another light. I'm glad to hear the children are determined to succeed and quit at nothing. I can only hope that other families are taking advantages of the programs to better their futures and lives.

  7. This was pretty interesting, because everyone in the world always wonder if they are on the right path. At times going the right path can be hard, but going the wrong path may be easier just longer. We can only hope that people are making the right choices for themselves. I hope for the people in this program will take advantage of this course.

  8. This makes me feel very fortunate to have lived such an amazing life. Food, shelter, water and other necessities that others do not have I take for granted. I will say that it is awesome to see progress in some familes. Many of these stories are so inspirational and I just pray the people less fortunate to turn their life around find shelter in God. I am very blessed and I countinue to thank God every day.

  9. Following the right path can be difficult. We live in a materialistic world with many worldly pleasures. It is our choice to stay on the right path. We are humans and we make mistakes but we have to be strong to overcome the hardships in life and continue to give thanks to God.

  10. Each individual has their own expectations of what progress means to them, there is no right or wrong answer, as long as the progress is in the lines of good faith. Progess to me means choosing the path least chosen, and leaving a trail for others to follow. We need to do the best we can to remain on our paths of progress, and sometimes taking a step back and realzing our mistakes, is a priority I embrace. Without being able to realize our wrong doings, there is no way of fixing them.
